Saturday, July 13 2024
12:00 - 14:00 (UTC-4)

Sculpt Show and Tell
Sculpt Show and Tell Zoom Link

Opening Remarks
Robert Fathauer and Negar Kalantar

The Complex Interplay of Mathematics and Art through Borosilicate Glass
Anduriel Widmark

Adaptive 3D-Printed Textiles: Flexibility and Rigidity On Demand
Negar Kalantar

Noble Woman and Hercules
Davide Prete

Mohammad Behjoo

Derivatives of Tengstrand's "3-2-1"
Carlo Sequin

Fatemeh Lotfian

Magnus Popko!
Robert Esterle

Surfaces That Tie Photons in Knots
James Mallos

Robotic Luminous Seashells
Ali Faraji

Mixed Media Möbius: Exploring Ceramic Sculptures with Distinctive Edges
Robert Fathauer

Galaxy Lamp
Phil Webster

Stair +
Farah Kaymouz

3-fold Trefoil Knot
Chales Cai

topological crochet
Shiying Dong

Fabricated Combines
Masataka Yoshikawa

Deisgn with Laser Cutter Scrap Materials
Ladan Johari

Q&A Closing Remarks
Robert Fathauer and Negar Kalantar