About SMI

Shape Modeling International (SMI 2025) provides an international forum for the dissemination of new mathematical theories and computational techniques for modeling, simulating and processing digital representations of shapes and their properties to a community of researchers, developers, students, and practitioners across a wide range of fields. Conference proceedings will be published in a Special Issue of Computer & Graphics Journal, Elsevier. Papers presenting original research are being sought in all areas of shape modeling and its applications.

SMI also participates in the Replicability Stamp Initiative, an additional recognition for authors who are willing to go one step further, and in addition to publishing the paper, provide a complete open-source implementation. The Replicability Stamp is a prerequisite for SMI best paper nomination. More information on topics, submission guidelines, and important dates are given below.

When and Where

SMI 2025 will be co-located with Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM 2025). The joint conference will take place from October 29 to November 2, 2025, in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, P.R. China.

SMI2025: Submitting a Paper

IMPORTANT DATES (tentative) (23:59 UTC/GMT)

Abstract submission: TBA
Full paper submission: TBA
First review notification: TBA
Revised papers: TBA
Second review notification: TBA
Camera-ready full papers due: TBA
Conference: TBA


  • AR/VR environments
  • Acquisition and reconstruction
  • Behavior and animation models
  • Compression and streaming
  • Computational topology
  • Correspondence and registration
  • Curves and surfaces
  • Digital fabrication and 3D printing
  • Geometric Deep Learning
  • Exploration of shape collections
  • Feature extraction and classification
  • Healing and resampling
  • Implicit surfaces
  • Interactive modeling, design and editing
  • Learning techniques for shape modeling
  • Medial and skeletal representations
  • Parametric and procedural models
  • Segmentation
  • Semantics of shapes
  • Shape analysis and synthesis
  • Shape modeling applications (product design, biomedicine, GIS, geoscience, art, education and training, cultural heritage, gaming, and others)
  • Shape statistics
  • Shape transformation and deformation
  • Simulation
  • Sketching and 3D input modalities
  • Triangle and polygonal meshes
  • 3D Digital Twins
  • 3D retrieval


Submissions should be anonymous, via easychair, previously unpublished, original results that are not simultaneously submitted elsewhere.

Submissions should be formatted according to the style guidelines for the Computers &Graphics Journal and should not exceed 12 pages, including figures and references. We strongly recommend using the LaTeX template to format your paper. We also accept papers formatted by MS Word according to the style guidelines for Computers & Graphics. The file must be exported to a pdf file for the first round of submission. For format details, please refer to Computers & Graphics Guide for Authors. The SMI 2025 conference will use a double-blind review process.

Submit your paper here!
Any accepted paper is required to have at least one registered author to attend and present the paper at the conference.

Call For Nominations:
Tosiyasu L. Kuni Distinguished Researcher Award

Shape Modeling International Awards Committee is seeking proposals to nominate the shape modeling researchers with distinguished careers for the Tosiyasu L. Kuni Distinguished Researcher Award. The recipients of the award will be selected by the SMI Awards Committee, based on proposals from the research community in Shape Modeling. The proposals can simply be in a formal letter format. Self-nominations will also be considered. The nomination letters should provide a clear description of the substantial contributions of the candidate into the field of shape modeling. Nomination proposals can be accepted by the SMI awards committee at any time. The Awards are presented at the Shape Modeling Conference and the award recipients are invited to give a keynote speech at Shape Modeling Conference. Please send your nominations to the chair of award committee: Bianca Falcidieno.

Call For Nominations:
SMI Young Investigator Award

Shape Modeling International Awards Committee is seeking proposals to nominate young researchers' significant contributions to shape modeling for the Shape Modeling International Young Researcher Award. Candidates must have received their Ph.D. degrees at most seven years ago. The recipients of the award will be selected by the SMI Awards Committee, based on proposals from the research community in Shape Modeling. The proposals can simply be in a formal letter format. Self-nominations will also be considered. The nomination letters should provide a clear description of the substantial contributions of the candidate into the field of shape modeling. Nomination proposals can be accepted by the SMI awards committee at any time. The Awards are presented at the Shape Modeling Conference and the award recipients are invited to give a keynote speech at the Shape Modeling Conference. Please send your nominations to the chair of award committee: Bianca Falcidieno.

Call For Nominations:
Alexander Pasko Service Award

Shape Modeling International Awards Committee is seeking proposals to nominate people who made significant contributions to the organization of SMI conferences for the Alexander Pasko Service Award. The recipients of the award will be selected by the SMI Awards Committee, based on nominations from the Shape Modeling community. The nominations can simply be in a formal letter format. Self-nominations will also be considered. The nomination letters should provide a clear description of the substantial service contributions of the candidate to SMI. Nomination proposals can be accepted by the SMI awards committee at any time. The Awards are presented at the Shape Modeling Conference and the award recipients are invited to give a keynote speech at the Shape Modeling Conference. Please send your nominations to the chair of the award committee: Bianca Falcidieno.

Registration (TBA)

SMI 2025 Program (TBA)

SMI&SPM Conference Chairs

Georges-Pierre Bonneau

Georges-Pierre Bonneau 📧

Université Grenoble Alpes, France
Gang Xu

Gang Xu 📧

Hangzhou Dianzi University, China
Weiwei Xu

Weiwei Xu 📧

Zhejiang University, China



SMI Technical Paper Chairs

Hongwei Lin

Hongwei Lin 📧

Zhejiang University, China
Michela Mortara

Michela Mortara 📧

CNR-IMATI Genova, Italy
Zichun Zhong

Zichun Zhong 📧

Wayne State University, USA

International Program Committee (TBA)

Previous conferences

SMI 2024 - Detroit, USA [proceedings]

SMI 2022 - Singapore, (online) [proceedings A,B,C]

SMI 2020 - Strasbourg, France (online) [proceedings]

SMI 2018 - Lisbon, Portugal [proceedings]

SMI 2016 - Berlin, Germany [proceedings]

SMI 2014 - Hong Kong, China [proceedings]

SMI 2012 - College Station, USA [proceedings]

SMI 2010 - Aix-En Provence, France [proceedings]

SMI 2008 - Stony Brook, USA [proceedings]

SMI 2006 - Matsushima, Japan [proceedings]

SMI 2004 - Genova, Italy [proceedings]

SMI 2002 - Banff, Alberta, Canada [proceedings]

SMI 1999 - Aizuwakamatsu, Japan [proceedings]

SMI 2023 - Genova, Italy [proceedings]

SMI 2021 - Texas, USA (online) [proceedings]

SMI 2019 - Vancouver, Canada [proceedings]

SMI 2017 - Berkeley, USA [proceedings]

SMI 2015 - Lille, France [proceedings]

SMI 2013 - Bournemouth, UK [proceedings]

SMI 2011 - Herzliya, Israel [proceedings]

SMI 2009 - Beijing, China [proceedings]

SMI 2007 - Lyon, France [proceedings]

SMI 2005 - Cambridge, USA [proceedings]

SMI 2003 - Seoul, Korea [proceedings]

SMI 2001 - Genova, Italy [proceedings]

SMI 1997 - Aizuwakamatsu, Japan [proceedings]

Please feel free to contact us through emails.