The SCULPT track: “Shape Creation Using Layouts, Programs, & Technology” is the successor of the
former FASE track (“Fabrication and Sculpting Event”) at SMI.
SCULPT is focused on original research on the theory and practice of shape design, sculpting, and
It includes the physical realization of the envisioned shapes via tentative mock-up constructions,
sketching, computer-aided modeling,
constructivist assembly of parts, or 3D-printing. The presented work may have an underlying
algorithmic or mathematical basis,
and it may also address the inverse process of obtaining a clean CAD model from a given physical
Papers should clearly describe the way in which interesting geometrical shapes have been conceived,
and optimized. Ideally, such papers should inspire readers to try to use similar approaches to
interesting shapes.
We also invite you to submit your original work for exhibition at the SCULPT event, where we will showcase the theory and practice of shape design, sculpting, and architecture. Accepted works will be digitally showcased in the exhibition section of SCULPT 2025. Review criteria for Virtual Exhibition include: (1) Mathematical content; (2) Aesthetic appeal; (3) Medium; (4) Craftsmanship; (5) Innovation and originality; and (6) Artist statement and artwork description.
SCULPT solicits manuscripts that pose new questions and motivate further research in designing, fabrication, and sculpting. Topics should be useful, for example, in the following areas:
All manuscripts must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
All SCULPT paper submissions (including full and short papers) will be handled via the EasyChair System, following a one-stage peer review cycle. Accepted SCULPT papers will be published in a special issue of the Hyperseeing magazine. SCULPT paper presentations will be 30 minutes for full papers, 20 minutes for short papers, 15 minutes for posters. Authors of accepted papers are expected to give a presentation online Zoom in a special scheduled online SCULPT session.
We also invite you to submit your original work for exhibition at the SCULPT event, where we will showcase the theory and practice of shape design, sculpting, and architecture. Accepted works will be digitally showcased in the exhibition section of SCULPT 2025. Submissions must be completed by 5th of June 2025. Notification of acceptance will be made via email by June 20 2025. --> Review criteria include:
Artists of accepted work are expected to give a presentation online Zoom in a special scheduled online Show and Tell session. We will record the video of the presentation. The text and images from the submission will be turned into a permanent Virtual Exhibition. We will create a website similar to the art exhibitions of Bridges and Joint Mathematical Meeting. For submission a short description of the work and one or more images or videos are sufficient.