BYLAWS: Shape Modeling International Conference

SMI Steering Committee
May, 2023


This document is the Bylaws of Shape Modeling International Organization (SMI). The organization is an international forum for the dissemination of new mathematical theories and computational techniques for modeling, simulating, and processing digital representations of shapes and their properties to a community of researchers, developers, students, and practitioners across a wide range of fields.


Shape Modeling International (SMI), also known as International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications, is an international forum for the dissemination of new mathematical theories and computational techniques for modeling, simulating, and processing digital representations of shapes and their properties to a community of researchers, developers, students, and practitioners across a wide range of fields. Initiated in 1997 by Tosiyasu L. Kunii, the symposium became an annual event in 2001 after its merge with the Eurographics / ACM SIGGRAPH Workshop on Implicit Surfaces. The venue of the symposium rotates in turn among Asia, Europe, and America. Proceedings until the year 2010 are available at DPLP,, and IEEE Explore. Since 2009, SMI proceedings have been published by Elsevier as a special issue of the Computers & Graphics journal.

Shape Modeling International (SMI) Organization

SMI Community

Everybody who contributed to the Shape Modeling International conference can be a member of the Shape Modeling International Community. Examples of contribution to SMI include publishing a paper in SMI, being a keynote speaker, serving on SMI committees, publishing and serving in Implicit Surfaces workshop, and publishing and serving in FASE and SCULPT events. The contributions to the area of Shape Modeling will also be considered for membership. The SMI steering committee (see below) will be responsible to keep a mailing list of the SMI Community. Steering Committee will invite contributors to the mailing list. The steering committee will also consider self-nominations.


The SMI Council is a permanent committee whose role is: to maintain the quality and visibility of the conference; actively promote the conference. All the people who served the SMI conference organization will be invited to be members of the Council. Examples of service include chairing and co-chairing the SMI conference and chairing and co-chairing SMI technical paper committee. The SMI steering committee (see below) will be responsible for maintaining a mailing list of the SMI Council. Steering Committee can also invite significant contributors, such as SMI Award recipients, to the Council. SMI Council meets at least once every year. SMI Steering committee will be responsible for calling meetings. The council members will not terminate unless a member resigns from the council.

SMI Steering Committee

Steering Committee consists of eight representatives of the council who are elected by the Shape Modeling International Community. Each member is elected for four years. At the beginning, half of the first steering committee will be elected for two years, and the rest of the committee will be elected for four years. After that, there will be an election every two years or when there is a vacancy. In each of the elections, four members will be elected every two years. There will also be one representative from the Computers & Graphics journal. Potential candidates will be identified by nominations in SMI Council. Self-nominations will also be considered. In nominations, the council should be sure that the steering committee must represent the geographic and gender diversity of the SMI community.

Steering Committee elects a chair among its members. The chair organizes the Steering Committee meetings and manages the agenda. The steering committee meets every month and makes decisions about the SMI conference, such as selection of location and dates, selection of conference organizers, conference proceedings, "permanent" sponsorship, in-cooperation agreements, and co-location with other events. The steering committee will also keep track of the Council and Community email list and update the lists continuously.

Steering Committee will actively look for potential venues to host future SMI conferences at least two years in advance. The committee will also work to identify the local organizing committee, and estimate of the local costs for the conference (location of the venue and audio-visual equipment, support staff, food, registration, promotion, materials) and for the participants (hotel costs, local travel).

Conference Organization

The Shape Modeling International conference is organized by the SMI Organization Committee, which consists of three conference chairs, three technical paper chairs, three communication chairs, and at least one Representative of the Steering Committee. The committee must represent the geographic and gender diversity of the SMI community. This committee meets weekly starting at least six months before the conference.

The SMI organizing committee is appointed by the steering committee at least 18 months before the conference. The responsibilities of the organizing committee include (but are not limited to):


Any change or update to these bylaws should be prepared by the SMI Steering Committee. The amendments must be approved by SMI Council. Approvals require the majority of Council members who voted. The vote can be held via email.


SMI has three awards: Tosiyasu L. Kunii Distinguished Researcher, Young Investigator, and Alexander Pasko Service awards. Each award winner gives a half-hour presentation at the SMI conference.

Tosiyasu L. Kunii Distinguished Researcher Award

In honor of Tosiyasu Kunii (1938-2020), the Tosiyasu Kunii Distinguished Researcher Award was established in 2021 to recognize shape modeling researchers with distinguished careers. The recipients of the award will be selected by the SMI Awards Committee, based on proposals from the research community in Shape Modeling. The proposals can simply be in a formal letter format. Self-nominations will also be considered. The nomination letters should provide a clear description of the substantial contributions of the candidate to the field of shape modeling. Nomination proposals can be accepted by the SMI awards committee at any time. The Awards are presented at the Shape Modeling Conference and the award recipients are invited to give a keynote speech at Shape Modeling Conference.

Young Investigator Award

The Young Investigator Award was established in 2021 to recognize young researchers who made significant contributions to shape modeling. The recipients of the award will be selected by the SMI Awards Committee, based on proposals from the research community in Shape Modeling. The proposals can simply be in a formal letter format. Self-nominations will also be considered. The nomination letters should provide a clear description of the substantial contributions of the candidate to the field of shape modeling. Nomination proposals can be accepted by the SMI awards committee at any time. The Awards are presented at the Shape Modeling Conference, and the award recipients are invited to give a keynote speech at the Shape Modeling Conference.

Alexander Pasko Service Award

In honor of Alexander Pasko (1960-2022), the Alexander Pasko Service Award was established in 2023 to recognize people who made significant contributions to the organization of SMI conferences. The recipients of the award will be selected by the SMI Awards Committee, based on nominations from the Shape Modeling community. Nominations can be simply in a formal letter format. Self-nominations will also be considered. Nomination letters should provide a clear description of the substantial service contributions of the candidate into SMI. Nomination proposals can be accepted by the SMI awards committee at any time. The Awards are presented at the Shape Modeling Conference, and the award recipients are invited to give a keynote speech at the Shape Modeling Conference.

SMI Award Committee

SMI Award committee consists of four members. These members are selected from the members of the SMI Council by the SMI Council. The members are elected for a four-year period and one member is replaced per year by-election. Every year, a member of the award committee is elected as the chair by Award committee members. The chair collects nomination letters and interviews award winners.